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Love Centered Coaching

Congratulations on choosing Your Growth...for stepping into the driver's seat of your beautiful life! You are here Now because it's time to start living life by Your Design...and I am here Now to hand you the paintbrush and show you that you have all the colors in the world already inside you...it's time to remember them, it's time to activate them, and it's time to create your unique and powerful masterpiece with the explosion of Color and Light that is YOU! 

As a Certified EME Integration Practitioner (Emotion-Mind-Energy), the focus is to shift your Emotional state, the inner workings of your powerful Mind that aren't serving you, and the Energy (Your home frequency) that creates these changes in your reality long term.

Are you ready to step into your GREATNESS?

Jump into a Session

I am so excited to hold sacred space for you!

My Mission...

The foundation of this methodology is to hold a safe & loving space for us to explore, learn and grow in. I will guide you, lovingly push you to step outside your comfort zone and empower you with the tools and confidence already inside you to consistently raise your awareness & vibration...to ascend up and into the abundant and magical life you are so worthy of!

Directions We May Explore

GO WIDE: We'll get a picture of your entire world to better understand your beliefs & perspectives

GO BACK: We'll explore your family structure, dynamics & history to better understand your background

GO DEEP: We'll discover what your core needs are and how you can meet them in healthy & consistent ways

GO HIGHER: We'll take a peek into the future for greater perspective on what your life can be like if you upgrade your thoughts, beliefs & emotions

This Life Coaching Methodology is for anyone who...

  • Wants to feel less worried and anxious in their days

  • Wants to learn to heal their depression

  • Wants to learn to heal childhood traumas

  • Wants to understand their triggers & learn healthier responses

  • Wants to be a more PRESENT parent & spouse

  • Wants to learn how to better cope with the greiving process

  • Wants to experience more Joy, Peace of Mind & Fulfillment

  • Wants to learn to LOVE themselves MORE

  • Wants to feel more confident about themselves

  • Wants to learn how to raise their energetic frequency

  • Wants to feel Worthy of their dreams & go all in for them

  • Wants to elevate their awareness & belief about their potential

Why work with me?

Back Story (in a nutshell :)

Anxiety, Depression, Total Lack of Boundaries, Feeling Stuck in an endless cycle of getting nowhere, Sad all the time, No hope, No light....Mom guilt, Wife Guilt, Daughter Guilt, Sister Guilt, Self-loathing...constant Self-judgement....Fear of the unknown...feeling that I'm not enough...will never be Enough...lifeless...All of these added up to to a heavy toxic mix of energy that I marinated in for the last 20+ years of my life... UNTIL a spark of awareness lit up my mind & my reality with the thought that I can transform...I can change...I can become the master designer of MY life! It's been a wild, beautiful, ever-unfolding process of healing and a consistent raising of my awareness...and...oh my heart...the journey...the journey of your ascension into your soul story...into your truth, your light, your joy...is simply incredible...

The minute I discovered the truth about my God-spark energy...about my inherent greatness...my limitless ability to create my reality, I had an urgent, unrelenting desire to share this with the world...too many suffer from not feeling good enough...from being anxious, worried and fearful all the time...and I desperately wanted everyone to experience the magic of knowing their inherent greatness and worthiness.

A series of divine synchronicities unfolded as I stepped boldly and afraid into my light, and led me here, as a certified EME Practitioner, a Transformational Guide-ess, A creator of courses and books that spark this important, powerful Awareness of the human potential...of YOUR POTENTIAL!

It would be an honor to help guide you on your unique, life transforming journey into truly living your soul story! So excited to serve you! Xoxo, Jess

What some beautiful clients have shared...

"You are awesome, and I'm so grateful to have met such a wonderful person like you! Thanks for helping me not only to better understand my emotions but also to pave that road to the emotional intelligence I've been craving"

"Thank you Jessica for such a wonderful adventure this afternoon. I re-learned some things about myself today, things I had forgotten. You are gifted at this. Your questions were excellent and I thoroughly am impressed by your talent."

"I just wanted to say thanks for the time you have shared during these sessions. It has definitely helped and I am looking forward to our future sessions."

"Thanks for making me feel good about the awareness and progress I have been making with myself. It's tough some days, but hearing someone understand so clearly what I feel I have to go through really is enlightening!"

"I believe Jessica is an excellent coach and is easy going, so she makes the space comfortable for opening up and having authentic discussions. She also has a high positive vibration that left me feeling more beautiful and capable of vibrating at a higher level myself. She helped me believe that the answers are already within, and encouraged those answers to come to light with kind and thoughtful discussion. She is truly an inspiration for light."

"Thank you for everything Jess. I keep telling myself that God is working behind the scenes...since our session, everyday I tell myself that life is rigged in my favor and I keep telling God thanks. I feel different since our session and I really wish more people would participate in these coaching sessions...Jess thank you...lots of love."

"Jessica, the light and energy you emanate are infectious! I felt spiritually lighter and more empowered from a single session with you. I look forward to future sessions!"

"Jessica, the safe and judgment free  space you've created in our sessions definitely helped me to open up and share my story. Looking forward to my rituals and improving."

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